First he was there, doing his best to deter the two girls from utterly murdering the other, adn the next, a hand was slid over his mouth, and Logan was being tugged into the thick, by somebody who was doing her best not to disturb the arugment. He knew it was a her by the hand. Small, and dainty. He did not struggle, it would be best not to, for if it were Corliss or Kia, it'd make matters worse, or if it was a friend, it would only harm them. Either way, it was a bad idea. But, then Rosie stepped infront of him, and pushed him backwards, still into the deeper foliage. Once hidden from view, mostly, she released him, and giggled, nearly silently, wanting to know how in the world that had occured. "Well..." Logan started, slightly shocked to see his Gryffindor friend. "I was taking some pics for meh sisters, and Nikita tackled me. Olivia came in to help me with the photos, saw Nikita on my chest -I was trying to throw her off, so don't give me that look, Rosie- and Nikita verbally attacked her. I dunno why, but these things just happen to me. It's a curse, these astounding good looks." He snickered, just as quietly, crouching down, trying to see the girls. "Nikita was already threatening poor Livi after the two minute mark. I'm slightly amazed she got that far. Her reputation truly speaks for itself."