Post by emma on May 31, 2009 22:40:37 GMT
The Basics[/u][/b]
Name: Miles Daniel Ebony
Age:Seventeen years
Year: Seven
"I Solemnly Swear That I am up to no Good"
Celebrity: Hunter Parrish
Miles was no wimpy short kid, for only playing Quidditch. He was six foot one inch, and extremely slender. He had long legs and long arms, but he still seemed to fit in no matter how tall and gangly he looked upon first impression. He sported brown hair that was naturally somewhat wavy, and chocolate brown eyes to match.
Even in solemn moods, a smile almost always seemed to illuminate his features. He had naturally somewhat tan skin, without having to tan much during the summer for what a girls called a ‘base tan’ when he was younger. He didn’t tan, in fact.
[x]Humor- Whether it was pulling a trick on a mudblood or ganging up with a few friends to watch their most dis-favored professor find a fake note on their desk from the headmaster to ‘take a break’, Miles liked to have fun. His fun wasn't always what other people consider fun or funny but sometimes it was nice to take a joke and a laugh a little.
[x]Girls- Outwardly Miles didn't seem to care so much about having a girlfriend or not. Because he was very into other aspects of life as well he made sure that he wasn't spending too much wandering after a girl because in the long run, he was aware that the girls he secretly chased after probably would not become his future wife.
[x]Quidditch- Since young childhood, Miles had always been said to be a decent Quidditch player. It was never and would never be his intention to become a famous Quiditch player on any given team, but hearing this remark from people on his games or just messing around at home always gave Miles a sense of feeling proud for his skill.
[x]Dogs- For some reason, Miles Ebony had always liked dogs. He wasn’t in love with them, and he did not always need one around, but he liked them. His parents took care of the two he had at home which were his main source of company most of the time during the summer holiday. It was a weird relationship that he’d had to nurture, but maybe because his parents were off doing whatever the hell they were always doing, he’d somehow managed to become attached to dogs simply for the sake of sanity at risk.
[x] Family- Maybe Miles wasn’t always too keen on how his family reacted to being around others, but he’d always found the idea of having a family of his own quite comforting. Maybe it wasn’t his family that was what he liked, just the bare essential idea of a family was what he liked.
[x] Cars- Miles didn’t own a car yet back at home on the downtown streets of London, but he always liked the look of those shiny new cars that any business man would give years to just spending their time smelling the leather interior. Miles couldn’t fix cars, and nor did he want to. The idea of driving itself was only important to him because that meant he could get away from home when he pleased. But cars themselves were more than just your carriage to take you away, they were almost beings. Not really, but he did like those shiny new sports cars that practically every magazine on the entire earth displayed.
[x] The City- It was very obvious how much cities polluted areas that they were in. Miles was aware of this factor. But because of being in the city, it was easy to find better things to do if he was alone, hence why he liked it so much. The big buildings, the people, the stores, and unimaginable possibility were what you found in the city. The countryside was pretty to look at in a picture in a book but it was not near as exciting to live in as the city was.
[x] Being Alone- Being alone, to Miles Ebony, was extremely and distressingly BORING. Why be alone when you could be with other people? It was as simple as that. Sometimes being with people didn’t quite create the best product (hence the gossip, the fights, miscommunication, etc.) but there had to be a bad side to everything or else life was boring.
[x] Sports- Just because Quidditch was the one sport Miles had down didn’t mean he had to like many other sports. Most wizards and witches weren’t fond of other muggle sports either, but Miles had made sure not to get attached to any. Turns out, he actually did live around quite a few muggles so he had his share of opportunities to join some of these sports. Quidditch was the only sport that Miles intended on staying a part of.
[x]Hamburgers- Miles Ebony just really didn’t like hamburgers.
[x] Tea- It wasn’t much the fact that he liked to stick out that he didn’t like tea, it was just that he’d grown up around coffee (despite his natural hyper sort of attitude) and he liked coffee better, although on some occasions when he’d turned up sick, he’d obliged to drink some tea.
[x] The New Order- Self explanatory. It reminded him of the ‘Golden Trio’ and all of the stupid little ‘don’t tell a lie’ and ‘always be the better person’ lessons that drove him up a wall.
[x] Lipstick- Not that Miles Ebony had ever really planned on wearing any, but lipstick seemed annoying. What girls did to impress guys was way out of his thought process. It got all over the place, it came off, and all it seemed to make girls do was buy more since they always had to re-apply it. What a waste of money.
[x] Smarts- Miles Ebony happened to have almost a completely unscathed record at Hogwarts Scool of Wizardry and Witchcraft. He didn’t really show it off because of his secret inner fear of what other people would think. He was incredibly creative and secretive about these skills sometimes, but he was always very careful of what to show off and what not to show off. Being in Slytherin made people do this, but it was always for the better good.
[x] Quidditch- He wasn’t the Quidditch captain and he didn’t want to be. Just because he was good at something didn’t mean he had to be the best. He could be the best at his small category. It was only at home that Miles had spent really flying around on the broom. By the time he’d gotten to Hogwarts he was sure he was going to try out for the Quidditch team. Turns out, he got the part as Chaser, and he loved it.
[x] Charm- Some would say that Miles tried hard to make friends. Not really desperate to make them, but working for his reputation. Miles did work for his reputation. The charm itself came all on its own. Whether he realized it or not, flirting was a natural ability. Even when he didn’t really mean to flirt with some girls, it was a habit that he didn’t recognize even when he was in the middle of doing it.
[x] Being Social- Miles Ebony was a man of many words, per se. He always had something to say. If someone decided that as a project they were going to walk into a random classroom and see who was talking the most in the back of the class, they’d give Miles high points for it. Not only did Miles take many classes and was good at them, but he talked a lot in them. He accepted many flaws. Being out of Slytherin was almost the only one he didn’t accept, although he did still make silent amends with a couple of Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs. On rare occasion, he had spoken to a few Gryffindors mildly with small talk.
[x] Music- Although he never cared to really converse about it much among friends, Miles did have quite a talent for music before he got to Hogwarts. He was forced to learn the piano at age four. From then on he was almost forced to keep playing because even though it didn’t make much a dent in his parents’ money, they’d continued to buy him a sleek black grand piano to put in his own ‘music studio’ by the time he was eight. From then on during the summer holiday when his parents were home, they stopped by the studio on the main floor in his home to listen to him play a few classical pieces that he’d had memorized.
[x] Manipulation- Although this may go with the charm, manipulation was not something he was fond of or something that had come naturally. Things in his household weren’t always smooth and to repay the time that they’d never been home, the Ebony parents often manipulated their own child to forgive them by buying things. In this respect was how Miles had become so manipulative, but he’d only used this strength when he really desired one specific thing or if he was doing it for a friend. His manipulating skills made him look, outwardly, desperate. When Miles, a person to ask nearly nothing from anyone, was desperate, it seemed iresistable to other people not to cave in and give him what he wanted to please him.
[x] Caring- Although Miles was naturally a very caring person for his friends, it was sometimes an immanent opinion to most around him that he didn’t care enough about things that he should because he was most times very transfixed on making it look like he didn’t care too much.
[x] Transfiguration, Care of Magical Creatures, and Astronomy- It wasn’t untrue that Miles loved these classes. The only reason why this could be his weakness is because these were all taught by professors that most Slytherins didn’t care for. While pretending that he didn’t give a damn about anything any of these professors taught, he had to listen and serve his unruly desire to learn about these subjects anyway. Oftentimes the only reason why he did badly on any assignment in class was because of his equal desire to make others around him happy and content that he was in fact a pure Slytherin.
[x]Inner Self Consciousness- It may not have seemed that Miles was self-conscious at all because the things that he felt this way about were not very normal things. He didn’t want people to think he was too smart, he didn’t want people to think that he got attached too easily, and he didn’t want people to really know what had happened throughout his childhood. While all of this was really true about himself, he didn’t want to lose what he’d already made for his life.
[x] Attachment- The only reason why Miles would ever pretend not to care too much about something was because he was really preparing himself for in case he lost it in the future. He always had to make sure he could rebuild the blocks of his life in earlier years when he’d gone to a public school before his years at Hogwarts (from the age of five to the age of eleven) and so he’d started to pretend that he’d care less in case of when he did have to lose it. In that sense though, he’d never changed his habit to attach well onto people or fondness of items.
[x] Trusting others- It wasn’t like Miles couldn’t trust people. Smaller things like asking what was going on with people around or being told that someone was saying whatever about him were things that he counted on his friends for. Miles didn’t tell things deeper about himself because he knew they would judge him for whatever he said and the cleaner he kept his reputation the better he’d be.
[x] Whales- For no particular reason, Miles Ebony was scared silly of whales. Not whales as in bigger boned people, not Whales as in the European area, but whales. Like a Humpback whale. Any whale. When it came up, he laughed it off. He’d made sure though that when his parents took their trips to the ocean on whatever vehicle they decided best, that he was never going to see one alive, which he’d managed to accomplish thus far.
[x] Spiders- Miles really believed that people were just afraid of spiders because they were different. He was also ninety nine percent sure that he’d never killed a spider on purpose. He’d stepped on one once by accident and he was sure he’d accidently swallowed one once. He just didn’t really like them and he was afraid of the threat they posed by shooting venom out of fangs.
[x] Black Holes- One time in astronomy the professor had mentioned that professional astronomers had discovered the theory of Black Holes (this was the only time Miles had shushed a friend to listen in class even though the topic had arisen from a direct question from a student which meant that Miles was literally doing what other people considered eavesdropping since everyone else had been talking) and the professor had explained it as a large hole that essentially sucked things in and put them somewhere else. The thought of this scared Miles to death with curiosity but also with true fear that something so large could exist either close or far away in space.
[x] Not Completing Success- Success was a very important goal to Miles. If he didn’t succeed he wasn’t sure of how he’d react (success as in getting into a profession he enjoyed, passing his classes, getting good scores on exams.)
[x] Ocean liners- Titanic was a very moving film for Miles. It was more the kind of idea that you could be stuck out in the ocean with nothing but miles and miles of water below you that was terrifying .
[x]Trouble- Even though even in Slytherin it was hard for most not to at least appreciate that Miles was there, Miles caused a lot of overall trouble. He’d gotten threats of suspension at least twice, and he’d had a couple of detentions that weren’t so fun. Overall the only reason why he was allowed to stay despite the raucous and chaos he sometimes created was because he had such a high level for academics.
[x] Scatter-Brained- Although he was very intelligent, Miles had an extreme case of being disorganized. He had something really close to what the muggles would call ADD except it wasn’t really considered bad enough to be accepted as ADD. He brought up topics that wouldn’t fit the previous topic whatsoever, and although nothing specific made him hyper, he was almost always fully energized.
Over All Personality:
Miles was a very outgoing personality. He was also very complex. Depending on the action he was about to make he would care a lot about what other thought or he wouldn’t. It just depended. He was a very easy to understand and very easy to talk to. He at least tried hard to pretend to care about some of the cliché things that life dunked him into without considering his say at all, and to at least think that he’d done what he’d had and experienced a few unwilling things that it was lucky he was the way he was still today.
Overall he was extremely generous to friends and family. He very much liked the rain and overcast weather for some unknown reason, but at the same time he was extremely lazy and knew of almost every possible shortcut anyone could ever use on any assignment. Despite the way he was lazy and that he cut the corners on a lot of parts in life he was still extremely knowlegable and cared very much for his education.
Parents: Amber and Todd Ebony
Siblings (If any): none.
Family History (At least 2 Paragraphs):
Miles was born to Amber Nelson and Todd Embony. Todd was a pureblood whos family had been prominent, very high-ranked, and could be easily dated back to the eighteen-hundreds in England. Although Amber Nelson hadn’t had quite as a rich life, her family was also pure blood and had it’s highs and lows money-wise since the sixteen-hundreds. Her parents were from Scotland where their families had been wealthy.
Amber and Todd had met at Hogwarts when Amber was in fourth year, and Todd in sixth. They didn’t get very close until the last few months of Todd’s seventh year at Hogwarts when Amber witnessed a fight that Todd had gotten himself into. Unfortunately, Todd didn’t have as much of a great reputation then as his brothers and so when he lost the fight people left willingly to cheer the winner on. Amber had stayed to clean him up, and from then it was true love. Todd had never thanked himself for being in that fight in the first place. His family rejected him for months saying that although he’d gotten into a fight and they hadn’t been pleased at the news that he could have won. Despite the fact that he’d gotten his longtime girlfriend and wife from that fight, he’d never forgiven himself for taking that first punch.
Self History:
Amber Nelson was born and raised in the poorer side of London and went to Hogwarts as a student a couple of years older than Harry and his friends. She was in Slytherin as a pure blood and happily married Todd Ebony when she was eighteen and he was twenty. He was also a Slytherin born into a pure blood family. They’d only been married for a year when Amber found that she was pregnant. Todd didn’t care for a family and because Amber had a very bad habit to make people happy almost decided not to tell him and visit a nearby hospital to look into abortion. However, Amber had figured that not telling Todd about the pregnancy would have been lying and so she told him anyway.
Turns out, Todd wasn’t too keen on the idea but obliged anyway. They had enough money and a steady household to secure the baby in, and nine months later was when Miles Daniel Ebony was born. Having a baby was more complex than Amber and Todd expected, and after only a few months their friends seen how hard of a hit their relationship had to take. Amber and Todd weren’t too cruel on the subject, and limited their fighting towards when the baby was asleep so that he wouldn’t hear.
To try to clear up their relationship Amber and Todd began taking more and more vacation at home when Miles was six. They had a friend look after him every so often only to check up on him every hour or two to see if he needed anything. By the time Miles was seven he began complaining that his parents were gone for too long to Amber and Todd’s friends which was when they warned the Ebony Parents that their child was becoming a pain. This was when Miles became great friends with his two dogs, Chance and Beverly.
Other Important Things[/u][/size]
Wand:Nine and a half inches, unicorn hair core.
Pets: Two dogs;;
-Chance (yorkshire terrier)
-Beverly (schnauzer)
Special Possessions:
-Grand piano
-A locket that his grandmother had given him at birth
-his father’s pure silver family crest (necklace)
Name: Miles Daniel Ebony
Age:Seventeen years
Year: Seven
"I Solemnly Swear That I am up to no Good"
Celebrity: Hunter Parrish
Miles was no wimpy short kid, for only playing Quidditch. He was six foot one inch, and extremely slender. He had long legs and long arms, but he still seemed to fit in no matter how tall and gangly he looked upon first impression. He sported brown hair that was naturally somewhat wavy, and chocolate brown eyes to match.
Even in solemn moods, a smile almost always seemed to illuminate his features. He had naturally somewhat tan skin, without having to tan much during the summer for what a girls called a ‘base tan’ when he was younger. He didn’t tan, in fact.
[x]Humor- Whether it was pulling a trick on a mudblood or ganging up with a few friends to watch their most dis-favored professor find a fake note on their desk from the headmaster to ‘take a break’, Miles liked to have fun. His fun wasn't always what other people consider fun or funny but sometimes it was nice to take a joke and a laugh a little.
[x]Girls- Outwardly Miles didn't seem to care so much about having a girlfriend or not. Because he was very into other aspects of life as well he made sure that he wasn't spending too much wandering after a girl because in the long run, he was aware that the girls he secretly chased after probably would not become his future wife.
[x]Quidditch- Since young childhood, Miles had always been said to be a decent Quidditch player. It was never and would never be his intention to become a famous Quiditch player on any given team, but hearing this remark from people on his games or just messing around at home always gave Miles a sense of feeling proud for his skill.
[x]Dogs- For some reason, Miles Ebony had always liked dogs. He wasn’t in love with them, and he did not always need one around, but he liked them. His parents took care of the two he had at home which were his main source of company most of the time during the summer holiday. It was a weird relationship that he’d had to nurture, but maybe because his parents were off doing whatever the hell they were always doing, he’d somehow managed to become attached to dogs simply for the sake of sanity at risk.
[x] Family- Maybe Miles wasn’t always too keen on how his family reacted to being around others, but he’d always found the idea of having a family of his own quite comforting. Maybe it wasn’t his family that was what he liked, just the bare essential idea of a family was what he liked.
[x] Cars- Miles didn’t own a car yet back at home on the downtown streets of London, but he always liked the look of those shiny new cars that any business man would give years to just spending their time smelling the leather interior. Miles couldn’t fix cars, and nor did he want to. The idea of driving itself was only important to him because that meant he could get away from home when he pleased. But cars themselves were more than just your carriage to take you away, they were almost beings. Not really, but he did like those shiny new sports cars that practically every magazine on the entire earth displayed.
[x] The City- It was very obvious how much cities polluted areas that they were in. Miles was aware of this factor. But because of being in the city, it was easy to find better things to do if he was alone, hence why he liked it so much. The big buildings, the people, the stores, and unimaginable possibility were what you found in the city. The countryside was pretty to look at in a picture in a book but it was not near as exciting to live in as the city was.
[x] Being Alone- Being alone, to Miles Ebony, was extremely and distressingly BORING. Why be alone when you could be with other people? It was as simple as that. Sometimes being with people didn’t quite create the best product (hence the gossip, the fights, miscommunication, etc.) but there had to be a bad side to everything or else life was boring.
[x] Sports- Just because Quidditch was the one sport Miles had down didn’t mean he had to like many other sports. Most wizards and witches weren’t fond of other muggle sports either, but Miles had made sure not to get attached to any. Turns out, he actually did live around quite a few muggles so he had his share of opportunities to join some of these sports. Quidditch was the only sport that Miles intended on staying a part of.
[x]Hamburgers- Miles Ebony just really didn’t like hamburgers.
[x] Tea- It wasn’t much the fact that he liked to stick out that he didn’t like tea, it was just that he’d grown up around coffee (despite his natural hyper sort of attitude) and he liked coffee better, although on some occasions when he’d turned up sick, he’d obliged to drink some tea.
[x] The New Order- Self explanatory. It reminded him of the ‘Golden Trio’ and all of the stupid little ‘don’t tell a lie’ and ‘always be the better person’ lessons that drove him up a wall.
[x] Lipstick- Not that Miles Ebony had ever really planned on wearing any, but lipstick seemed annoying. What girls did to impress guys was way out of his thought process. It got all over the place, it came off, and all it seemed to make girls do was buy more since they always had to re-apply it. What a waste of money.
[x] Smarts- Miles Ebony happened to have almost a completely unscathed record at Hogwarts Scool of Wizardry and Witchcraft. He didn’t really show it off because of his secret inner fear of what other people would think. He was incredibly creative and secretive about these skills sometimes, but he was always very careful of what to show off and what not to show off. Being in Slytherin made people do this, but it was always for the better good.
[x] Quidditch- He wasn’t the Quidditch captain and he didn’t want to be. Just because he was good at something didn’t mean he had to be the best. He could be the best at his small category. It was only at home that Miles had spent really flying around on the broom. By the time he’d gotten to Hogwarts he was sure he was going to try out for the Quidditch team. Turns out, he got the part as Chaser, and he loved it.
[x] Charm- Some would say that Miles tried hard to make friends. Not really desperate to make them, but working for his reputation. Miles did work for his reputation. The charm itself came all on its own. Whether he realized it or not, flirting was a natural ability. Even when he didn’t really mean to flirt with some girls, it was a habit that he didn’t recognize even when he was in the middle of doing it.
[x] Being Social- Miles Ebony was a man of many words, per se. He always had something to say. If someone decided that as a project they were going to walk into a random classroom and see who was talking the most in the back of the class, they’d give Miles high points for it. Not only did Miles take many classes and was good at them, but he talked a lot in them. He accepted many flaws. Being out of Slytherin was almost the only one he didn’t accept, although he did still make silent amends with a couple of Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs. On rare occasion, he had spoken to a few Gryffindors mildly with small talk.
[x] Music- Although he never cared to really converse about it much among friends, Miles did have quite a talent for music before he got to Hogwarts. He was forced to learn the piano at age four. From then on he was almost forced to keep playing because even though it didn’t make much a dent in his parents’ money, they’d continued to buy him a sleek black grand piano to put in his own ‘music studio’ by the time he was eight. From then on during the summer holiday when his parents were home, they stopped by the studio on the main floor in his home to listen to him play a few classical pieces that he’d had memorized.
[x] Manipulation- Although this may go with the charm, manipulation was not something he was fond of or something that had come naturally. Things in his household weren’t always smooth and to repay the time that they’d never been home, the Ebony parents often manipulated their own child to forgive them by buying things. In this respect was how Miles had become so manipulative, but he’d only used this strength when he really desired one specific thing or if he was doing it for a friend. His manipulating skills made him look, outwardly, desperate. When Miles, a person to ask nearly nothing from anyone, was desperate, it seemed iresistable to other people not to cave in and give him what he wanted to please him.
[x] Caring- Although Miles was naturally a very caring person for his friends, it was sometimes an immanent opinion to most around him that he didn’t care enough about things that he should because he was most times very transfixed on making it look like he didn’t care too much.
[x] Transfiguration, Care of Magical Creatures, and Astronomy- It wasn’t untrue that Miles loved these classes. The only reason why this could be his weakness is because these were all taught by professors that most Slytherins didn’t care for. While pretending that he didn’t give a damn about anything any of these professors taught, he had to listen and serve his unruly desire to learn about these subjects anyway. Oftentimes the only reason why he did badly on any assignment in class was because of his equal desire to make others around him happy and content that he was in fact a pure Slytherin.
[x]Inner Self Consciousness- It may not have seemed that Miles was self-conscious at all because the things that he felt this way about were not very normal things. He didn’t want people to think he was too smart, he didn’t want people to think that he got attached too easily, and he didn’t want people to really know what had happened throughout his childhood. While all of this was really true about himself, he didn’t want to lose what he’d already made for his life.
[x] Attachment- The only reason why Miles would ever pretend not to care too much about something was because he was really preparing himself for in case he lost it in the future. He always had to make sure he could rebuild the blocks of his life in earlier years when he’d gone to a public school before his years at Hogwarts (from the age of five to the age of eleven) and so he’d started to pretend that he’d care less in case of when he did have to lose it. In that sense though, he’d never changed his habit to attach well onto people or fondness of items.
[x] Trusting others- It wasn’t like Miles couldn’t trust people. Smaller things like asking what was going on with people around or being told that someone was saying whatever about him were things that he counted on his friends for. Miles didn’t tell things deeper about himself because he knew they would judge him for whatever he said and the cleaner he kept his reputation the better he’d be.
[x] Whales- For no particular reason, Miles Ebony was scared silly of whales. Not whales as in bigger boned people, not Whales as in the European area, but whales. Like a Humpback whale. Any whale. When it came up, he laughed it off. He’d made sure though that when his parents took their trips to the ocean on whatever vehicle they decided best, that he was never going to see one alive, which he’d managed to accomplish thus far.
[x] Spiders- Miles really believed that people were just afraid of spiders because they were different. He was also ninety nine percent sure that he’d never killed a spider on purpose. He’d stepped on one once by accident and he was sure he’d accidently swallowed one once. He just didn’t really like them and he was afraid of the threat they posed by shooting venom out of fangs.
[x] Black Holes- One time in astronomy the professor had mentioned that professional astronomers had discovered the theory of Black Holes (this was the only time Miles had shushed a friend to listen in class even though the topic had arisen from a direct question from a student which meant that Miles was literally doing what other people considered eavesdropping since everyone else had been talking) and the professor had explained it as a large hole that essentially sucked things in and put them somewhere else. The thought of this scared Miles to death with curiosity but also with true fear that something so large could exist either close or far away in space.
[x] Not Completing Success- Success was a very important goal to Miles. If he didn’t succeed he wasn’t sure of how he’d react (success as in getting into a profession he enjoyed, passing his classes, getting good scores on exams.)
[x] Ocean liners- Titanic was a very moving film for Miles. It was more the kind of idea that you could be stuck out in the ocean with nothing but miles and miles of water below you that was terrifying .
[x]Trouble- Even though even in Slytherin it was hard for most not to at least appreciate that Miles was there, Miles caused a lot of overall trouble. He’d gotten threats of suspension at least twice, and he’d had a couple of detentions that weren’t so fun. Overall the only reason why he was allowed to stay despite the raucous and chaos he sometimes created was because he had such a high level for academics.
[x] Scatter-Brained- Although he was very intelligent, Miles had an extreme case of being disorganized. He had something really close to what the muggles would call ADD except it wasn’t really considered bad enough to be accepted as ADD. He brought up topics that wouldn’t fit the previous topic whatsoever, and although nothing specific made him hyper, he was almost always fully energized.
Over All Personality:
Miles was a very outgoing personality. He was also very complex. Depending on the action he was about to make he would care a lot about what other thought or he wouldn’t. It just depended. He was a very easy to understand and very easy to talk to. He at least tried hard to pretend to care about some of the cliché things that life dunked him into without considering his say at all, and to at least think that he’d done what he’d had and experienced a few unwilling things that it was lucky he was the way he was still today.
Overall he was extremely generous to friends and family. He very much liked the rain and overcast weather for some unknown reason, but at the same time he was extremely lazy and knew of almost every possible shortcut anyone could ever use on any assignment. Despite the way he was lazy and that he cut the corners on a lot of parts in life he was still extremely knowlegable and cared very much for his education.
Parents: Amber and Todd Ebony
Siblings (If any): none.
Family History (At least 2 Paragraphs):
Miles was born to Amber Nelson and Todd Embony. Todd was a pureblood whos family had been prominent, very high-ranked, and could be easily dated back to the eighteen-hundreds in England. Although Amber Nelson hadn’t had quite as a rich life, her family was also pure blood and had it’s highs and lows money-wise since the sixteen-hundreds. Her parents were from Scotland where their families had been wealthy.
Amber and Todd had met at Hogwarts when Amber was in fourth year, and Todd in sixth. They didn’t get very close until the last few months of Todd’s seventh year at Hogwarts when Amber witnessed a fight that Todd had gotten himself into. Unfortunately, Todd didn’t have as much of a great reputation then as his brothers and so when he lost the fight people left willingly to cheer the winner on. Amber had stayed to clean him up, and from then it was true love. Todd had never thanked himself for being in that fight in the first place. His family rejected him for months saying that although he’d gotten into a fight and they hadn’t been pleased at the news that he could have won. Despite the fact that he’d gotten his longtime girlfriend and wife from that fight, he’d never forgiven himself for taking that first punch.
Self History:
Amber Nelson was born and raised in the poorer side of London and went to Hogwarts as a student a couple of years older than Harry and his friends. She was in Slytherin as a pure blood and happily married Todd Ebony when she was eighteen and he was twenty. He was also a Slytherin born into a pure blood family. They’d only been married for a year when Amber found that she was pregnant. Todd didn’t care for a family and because Amber had a very bad habit to make people happy almost decided not to tell him and visit a nearby hospital to look into abortion. However, Amber had figured that not telling Todd about the pregnancy would have been lying and so she told him anyway.
Turns out, Todd wasn’t too keen on the idea but obliged anyway. They had enough money and a steady household to secure the baby in, and nine months later was when Miles Daniel Ebony was born. Having a baby was more complex than Amber and Todd expected, and after only a few months their friends seen how hard of a hit their relationship had to take. Amber and Todd weren’t too cruel on the subject, and limited their fighting towards when the baby was asleep so that he wouldn’t hear.
To try to clear up their relationship Amber and Todd began taking more and more vacation at home when Miles was six. They had a friend look after him every so often only to check up on him every hour or two to see if he needed anything. By the time Miles was seven he began complaining that his parents were gone for too long to Amber and Todd’s friends which was when they warned the Ebony Parents that their child was becoming a pain. This was when Miles became great friends with his two dogs, Chance and Beverly.
Other Important Things[/u][/size]
Wand:Nine and a half inches, unicorn hair core.
Pets: Two dogs;;
-Chance (yorkshire terrier)
-Beverly (schnauzer)
Special Possessions:
-Grand piano
-A locket that his grandmother had given him at birth
-his father’s pure silver family crest (necklace)